Kenyan horticulture has seen unprecedented growth since the early 80s. The horticulture business, according to official production figures, export statistics and recent data …
Horticulture Innovation Lab in Kenya. As part of Feed the Future, the Horticulture Innovation Lab has conducted research in Kenya focused on African indigenous …
International Journal of Business Administration, 2015, vol. 6, issue 2, 77-85 Abstract: The horticulture sector is estimated to employ over 50,000-60,000 people directly and 500,000 people indirectly through affiliated services to the industry for example farm inputs, transport, packaging and banking (Kenya Flower Council, 2010). It is ...
The results of research into the water relations and irrigation requirements of lychee are collated and reviewed. The stages of plant development are summarised, with an emphasis on factors influencing the flowering process.
Mount Kenya serves as a natural water tower in the savanna-dominated Upper Ewaso Ng'iro River Basin in the Kenyan highlands. Major water users in the upper reaches of the river include medium- and large …
Results established that there was an 18% decline in the natural forest cover between 1977 and 2019. There was a similar decline of 15.19% in bamboo forest cover. Plantation forests established in the 1990's also showed a 15.6% decline between 1999 and 2019. There was, however, a 29% increase in mixed farming, a 10% increase in fallow …
Saxena, M, Bhattacharya, S and Malhotra, SK (2015) Overview: crop-wise area and production of horticultural crops, 2012–13 to 2014–15. In Horticulture Statistics at a Glance 2015. New Delhi: NHB, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, GOI, Oxford University Press, p. 17.Google Scholar
About the Journal. The African Journal of Horticultural Science (AJHS) publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles in a wide range of applied and basic horticultural areas dealing with biotechnology, economics, marketing, education, extension, engineering, environment, policy, science, sociology, technology, training and other areas of …
John Wesonga currently works at the Department of Horticulture and Food Security, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. John does research in Food Science, Horticulture and ...
Journal of the Southern African Society for Horticultural Sciences 7: 26 – 29. Google Scholar Jolad, SD, Lantz, RC, Solyom, AM, Chen, GJ, Bates, RB and Timmermann, BN ( 2004 ) Fresh organically grown ginger ( Zingiber officinale ): composition and effects on LPS-induced PGE2 production .
Mount Kenya serves as a natural water tower in the savanna-dominated Upper Ewaso Ng'iro River Basin in the Kenyan highlands. Major water users in the upper reaches of the river include medium- and large-scale commercial horticulture farms that produce flowers and vegetables for export using perennial irrigation schemes. These farms first appeared …
Purpose: The horticulture sector in Kenya has consistently dominated agricultural sector's contribution to the economy's GDP growth over the last two decades. This paper …
The results in Table 1 indicate that most (37.5) of the horticultural firms in Kenya have operated in Kenya for a period of between 15-20 years, then followed by (31.3%) of the firms which have operated between 10 -15 years, while very few of the firms (6.2%) of them have been in existence for a period of between 20 - 25 years.
Resource use efficiency. Changing environmental conditions are impacting horticultural production, particularly the availability of necessary resources. A key issue facing horticulture in almost all areas of the world is water availability. Research is urgently needed to address issues such as development of drought tolerant crops and water use …
Journals Land Volume 7 Issue 3 10.3390/land7030110 share Share announcement Help format_quote Cite question_answer …
Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. ... Advances in Horticultural Soilless Culture; Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited: Cambridge, UK, 2021; p. 442. ISBN 13-9781786764355. ... Frontiers …
The Horticultural Association of Kenya (HAK) has developed this Strategic and Vision plan to guide the association for five years from 2013 to 2017.
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 19, Issue 2, Ver. V (Feb. 2014), PP 121-124 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. Challenges Facing the Horticultural Sector in Nairobi County, Kenya Miriam N. Muthoka1*, Martin Ogutu2 1 Doctoral Student, School of Business, Jomo Kenyatta University of …
Macharia, I.N., Mithöfer, M. and Waibel, H. (2009) Potential Environmental Impacts of Pesticides Use in the Vegetable Sub-Sector in Kenya. African Journal of Horticultural Science, 2, 138-151. Kenya Flower Council (2011) Kenya Flower Council Activity Report 2011-2012. Nairobi.
I Yepthomi, N. Pongener. Indian Journal of Horticulture is the official publication of the Indian Academy of Horticultural Sciences ( Formerly the Horticultural Society of India) being published since 1943. The first issue of the journal was published in 1943 in Demi Octavio size with a plain 'Golden monocolour' cover page.
International Journal of Business Administration, 2015, vol. 6, issue 2, 138-145 Abstract: The horticulture sector is estimated to employ over 50,000-60,000 people directly and 500,000 people indirectly through affiliated services to the industry for example farm inputs, transport, packaging and banking (Kenya Flower Council, 2010). It is ...
Abstract. Kenya's horticulture sector is often heralded as one of sub-Saharan Africa's principal success stories. The country has become the region's largest exporter of fresh fruits, vegetables and cut flowers to Europe and the sector is a major source of foreign exchange, employment and poverty reduction.
The role of small enterprises in the and national economy in Kenya: a significant contribution or a last resort? World Development, 27(1), 55-65. Department for International development. (1999). Sustainable livelihoods Guidance Dolan, C., (2001). The "Good wife": Struggles over Resources in the Kenyan Horticultural Sector. J.
Horticultural exports are among the key drivers of economic development in Kenya. Their production either complements that of the Northern Hemisphere on a …
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability Volume 18, 2020 - Issue 3. Submit an article Journal homepage. 529 Views 3 CrossRef citations to date ... Kenya for 13 years (1997-2010) and with the Ministry of Education for 5 years (1993-1997). While at the Ministry of Agriculture he coordinated the implementation of the CASARD project in ...
Greenhouse commercial horticulture in Kenya started more than two decades ago and has evolved to be a significant sector to the national economy. So far no studies have explored the spatial patterns and dynamics of the area under greenhouse cultivation. Google Earth archives alongside data from various portals provided an …
Submission of corrected abstracts (for inclusion in book of abstracts): 20 th October 2024. Full workshop registration fees due for all presenters: 3 rd November 2024. Contact: Horticultural Association of Kenya (HAK), C/o Department of Horticulture and Food Security, JKUAT, P. O. Box 62000-00200, Nairobi, Kenya. E-mail: …
Horticulture is an open access journal which publishes high impact research papers from across the globe. This peer reviewed Journal also encourages the researchers to get the best from Journal of Horticulture among the horticulture journals list. Journal of Horticulture is an Open Access journal and aims to publish most complete and reliable ...
Githiomi J, Oduor N (2012). Strategies for sustainable wood fuel production in Kenya. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology 2(10): 21-25 : Gustavsson L (1999). Carbon dioxide mitigation cost. Wood Energy News, 14(3). Food and Agriculture Organization-Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia (FAO-RWEDP), …
As part of Feed the Future, the Horticulture Innovation Lab has conducted research in Kenya focused on African indigenous vegetables, pest-exclusion nets, seed systems, postharvest practices, improving nutrition, and other topics critical to advancing horticulture in Kenya. This page includes links to Horticulture Innovation Lab research projects, …
New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 43, 282 – 293. CrossRef Google Scholar Prabhandakavi, P, Kumar, R, Palicherla, SR, Ramchandran, E and Pinnamaneni, R ( 2018 ) …
Smallholders in the global South are confronted with new opportunities and risks emanating from globalized markets of agricultural goods. In Kenya, large-scale export-oriented horticulture farms, …
from Kenyan horticulture is that 'achieving growth depends on leaving the private-sector alone' (Whitaker & Kolavalli, 2006, p. 360). This paper nuances such market-focused readings, arguing that the state has played a more significant
Author Guidelines Scope of Articles. African Journal of Horticultural Science (AJHS) publishes research, review or short communication articles in a wide range of applied and basic horticultural areas dealing with biotechnology, economics, marketing, education, extension, engineering, environment, policy, science, sociology, technology and training.
Transitioning to green growth in Kenya: The Horticulture Productivity, Fuel Consumption and Short-Lived Climate Pollutants nexus May 2021 East African Journal …
International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp: (1-10), Month: October 2020 - March 2021, Available at: FACTORS AFFECTING HORTICULTURE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: A CASE OF NATIONAL HORTICULTURE TRACEBILITY …
Agriculture is the backbone of Kenya's economy, supporting up to 80% of rural livelihoods. Kenya's export horticulture is currently the leading agriculture subsector in Kenya and is regarded as an agro …
horticulture, plant science, biotechnology, Kenya, Africa, agricuture, soil, natural science
publication 25 June 1993. Journal Paper no. 15170 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Ex-periment Station, Ames. Project no. 0150. We ac-knowledgetheassistanceofthe Kenya Agricultural Research Institute and the Horticultural Crops De-velopment Authority-Nairobi for supplying much of the economic information …
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