To explore the origin and evolution of local flora and vegetation, we examined the evolutionary history of Rhus chinensis, which is widely distributed in China's temperate and subtropical zones, by sequencing three maternally inherited chloroplast DNAs (cpDNA: trnL-trnF, psbA-trnH, and rbcL) and the biparentally inherited nuclear …
2. Records in TCM Encyclopedia. As the important traditional medicine dates back centuries, the medicinal uses of gallnuts (Galla Chinensis and Galla Turcica) have been widely recorded in more than sixteen classical Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) pharmacopeias compiled in different dynasties of China (Table 1).Though those books …
Schlechtendalia chinensis has a complex life cycle involving both sexual and asexual reproduction stages with a host alternation between the Chinese sumac (Rhus chinensis, Anacardiaceae) and mosses of the genus (Plagiomnium spp., Mniaceae). In this holocyclic life cycle, a fundatrix produced by a mated crawls along the trunk and feeds on ...
The sumac Rhus chinensis Mill. is an economically and ecologically important shrub or tree species in the family of Anacardiaceae with a wide distribution in East to Southeast Asia.
R. chinensis is widely used in Asia countries as food additives or herbal medicines to treat various diseases. • There were no comprehensive reviews for R. …
Due to the varied biological activity of the extracted polyphenolic compounds of Rhus spp. as potential active materials in the treatment of several diseases, several compounds are proposed: (1), (12), (13), (22), (23), and (26). These compounds showed the lowest docking energy with efficient interaction with the active sites of protease 6LU7 of …
Article PDF Available. Ethnic Food Habits of the Sumi Tribe, Nagaland, India. ... form by pounding the fruits of Rhus chinensis (Anacar-diaceae) and is widely used by th e Sumis. It is believed to
Rhus chinensis Mill is a traditional Chinese medicine and a small deciduous tree with the properties of fast growth and strong environmental adaptability.42,43 It is also a pioneer species and can grow in Pb/Zn mine tailing areas.44 Further-more, R. chinensis is a Pb-tolerant species with the capacity to absorb and accumulate Pb in moderate or ...
This has Rhus chinensis extracts are use treat coughs, diarrhea, led to the identification of several important biologically dysentery, fever, jaundice, hepatitis, malaria, snake bite and active compounds including terpenoids, …
Rhus chinensis Mill. fruits can prevent the liver injury induced by isoniazid and rifampicin in mice through adjusting the expressions of multiple proteins in oxidative …
PDF | Moronic acid is a pentacyclic triterpenoid made up of olean-18-ene with an oxo group at position 3 and a carboxy group at position 28. ... stems of RHUS CHINENSIS, along with six other ...
Rhus chinensis Mill, also known as the Chinese sumac or nutgall tree, is a perennial deciduous shrub that belongs to *Address correspondence to this author at the Central Department of Chemistry ...
The fall blooming September Beauty Chinese sumac (Rhus chinensis) could change that as it becomes better known. Chinese sumac is a 20-foot tall and wide deciduous tree of the cashew family that is widely distributed in East Asia from Malaysia to Korea, including China where it is the most widely distributed of the four species native …
DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2022.115288 Corpus ID: 248193399; A comprehensive review on ethnobotanical, phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of Rhus chinensis Mill. @article{Li2022ACR, title={A comprehensive review on ethnobotanical, phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of Rhus chinensis Mill.}, author={Meichen Li and Andong …
붉나무. 붉나무 는 한국, 일본, 중국 등에 분포하는 낙엽소교목으로 오배자나무, 염부목 이라고도 한다. 높이는 7m에 이르고, 나무껍질은 짙은 갈색을 띤다. 잎은 달걀 모양의 잔잎 7-13장이 깃 모양으로 배열된 겹잎이다. 잎 가장자리에는 톱니가 있으며, 잔잎과 ...
Anti-HIV-1 activities of extracts from the medicinal plant Rhus chinensis. Ruirui WangQiongxian GuLiu-Meng YangJi-Jun ChenShunlai LiYong-tang Zheng. Journal of ethnopharmacology. In vitro antibacterial activity of certain folk medicinal plants from Darjeeling Himalayas used to treat microbial infections.
@article{Wang2022TraitVA, title={Trait value and phenotypic integration contribute to the response of exotic Rhus typhina seedlings to heterogeneous nitrogen deposition: A comparison with native Rhus chinensis.}, author={Qun Wang and Mingyan Li and Franziska Eller and Yu Luo and Ying Nong and Li-Jun Xing and Zhenwei Xu and Hai …
R. chinensis fruits extract possesses the capability to prevent DSS-induced ulcerative colitis in mice and could be utilized as a natural substance in the exploitation of functional foods as an adjuvant dietary therapy for preventing and/or alleviating inflammatory bowel disease. The purpose of this research was to explore the preventive effect of an …
Bhakmilo (Rhus chinensis) is distributed from 300 to 1800 m amsl, Mel (Docynia indica) occurs from 1200 to 2000 m and Achuk (Hippophae salicifolia) within 2700 to 4000 m in the Sikkim Himalaya.
Results showed that the extract containing two organic acids and twelve phenolic substances could effectively inhibit osteoclast differentiation in RANKL-induced RAW264.7 cells, which may provide a scientific basis for the development and utilization of R. chinensis fruits as a natural edible material to prevent and/or alleviate osteoporosis …
DOI: 10.1080/17429145.2017.1392627 Corpus ID: 89649591; Molecular response of gall induction by aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis (Bell) attack on Rhus chinensis Mill @article{Wang2017MolecularRO, title={Molecular response of gall induction by aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis (Bell) attack on Rhus chinensis Mill}, author={Haiying Wang …
OxiCyan®, a phytocomplex of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) and spirulina (Spirulina platensis), exerts both direct antioxidant activity and modulation of ARE/Nrf2 pathway in HepG2 cells. Ivano Vigliante, Giuseppe Mannino, Massimo E. Maffei. Article 103508.
The complete chloroplast genome of R. chinensis was assembled with the shot-gun genome skimming method on an Illumina HiSeq4000 platform and successfully annotated 126 genes, including 82 protein-coding genes, 36 tRNAs genes and eight r RNAs genes. Rhus chinensis is a common deciduous tree in the warm temperate zone of eastern …
Rhus chinensis Mill. is a medicinal plant with a long history and wide distribution. Traditionally, its roots, stems, leaves, fruits, seeds, and Galla chinensis can …
Background The Rhus gall aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis specially uses the only species Rhus chinensis and certain moss species (Mniaceae) as its primary host plant and secondary host plants, respectively. Rhus galls are formed on the primary host by the sucking of aphids, and used in traditional medicine as well as other various areas due …
The genus Rhus (family: Anacardiaceae, order: Sapindales) consists of more than 250 species distributed in the tropics, subtropics and temperate regions. …
importance and health benefits of Rhus chinensis, a study was conducted by formulating tea using Rhus chinensis, making the ordinary fruit/seeds into extra ordinary products …
Appropriate and stable reference genes are important for normalization of gene expression. This study is based on Rhus chinensis Mill. transcriptome data and evaluates the stability of 11 potential reference genes under cold stress (4 °C) and heat stress (34 °C), using three statistical algorithms (geNorm, NormFinder, and BestKeeper). This study is the first to …
Study findings suggested the extracts from this plant may possess anti-herpes simplex virus activity, suppress HIV-1 activity, reduces postprandial increase of blood …
Aim of this review: This review targets on the ethnomedicinal applications of R. chinensis and to gather the phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological data …
1. Introduction. Galla Chinensis (GC), also known as wubeizi in Chinese, is a gall produced by the aphid Melaphis chinensis (Bell Baker) through stimulation of plant leaves. The 2020 Chinese Pharmacopoeia stipulates that Rhus chinensis Mill, Rhus potaninii Maxim and Rhus punjabensis J. L. Stewart ex Brandis of the genus Rhus are …
Rhus chinenesis, commonly called Chinese sumac, Chinese gall or nutgall tree, is an open spreading large shrub or small tree that grows to 15-25'tall. Rhus chinennsis has long been used by folk medicine practitioners in Asia. Fortunately, recent scientific research has revealed that Rhus chinensis compounds possess strong antiviral,
Rhus chinensis Flower-like Multiple Eemei, Sichuan, China. 17 Aug 2005 EU363680/ EU363667 Schlechtendalia chinensis (Bell) Rhus chinensis Horned Single Eemei, Sichuan, China. 10 Oct 2004 EU363670/ AF454628 † Schlechtendalia peitan (Tsai et Tang) Rhus chinensis Spherical Single Eemei, Sichuan, China. 17 Aug 2005 EU363671/ …
@article{Shim2003InhibitoryEO, title={Inhibitory effect of aqueous extract from the gall of Rhus chinensis on alpha-glucosidase activity and postprandial blood glucose.}, author={Young Jun Shim and Ho-Kyung Doo and Se-young Ahn and Yong-Suk Kim and Je Kyung Seong and In Sun Park and Bon Hong Min}, journal={Journal of …
purpurea), Melissa officinalis, Clinacanthus nutans, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Rhus chinensis, Rhus javanica, and Punica granatum have been reported to contain anti-herpetic activity 22,23,24,25,26,27 ...
The dominant tree species having higher IVI were Rhus javanica and Quercus dilatata, while the tree species having lower IVI included Cedrus deodara, Pistacia chinensis subsp. integerrima, Taxus ...
1. Introduction "Rhus chinensis Mill."(synonym: Rhus semialata Murray, Rhus javanica) belonging to the family Anacardiaceae, common name "Nutgall tree" or "Chinese sumac" is a deciduous tree mainly found in China, Japan and North-Eastern parts of India.It is grown abundantly in Manipur, North-East India. The tree bears odd-pinnately …
Investigating the population genetic structure of parasites and their host plants can provide valuable insights into their coevolutionary processes. In this study, we assessed and compared the population genetic diversity and structure of 12 Rhus gall aphid (Schlechtendalia chinensis) populations and their respective host plant (Rhus …
The name Rhus javanica Linnaeus has been misapplied to this taxon. 1b. Rhus chinensis var. roxburghii (Candolle) Rehder, J. Arnold Arbor. 20: 416. 1939. bin yan fu mu Rhus semialata var. roxburghii Candolle, Prodr. 2: 67. 1825; R. javanica Linnaeus var. roxburghii (Candolle) Rehder & E. H. Wilson; R. roxburghii Decaisne ex Steudel.
Although the biological characteristics of R. chinensis and its herbivore S. chinensis have been examined by different labs over the years 23,24, at present, there are no genomic resources ...
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