The abatement efficiencies were all more than 60% at the range of G = 165−180 s −1 and T = 15−33 s at an initial kaolin solid concentration of 150 mg·L −1, polymer aluminum chloride dosage of 60 mg·L −1 and sedimentation time of 20 min. However, the formation of flocs was influenced by the liquid backmixing.
Kaolin-PSI flocs. y = -0,059x + 76,28. R² = 0,903. 50. 60. 70. 80. ... and sedimentation time were the most influential factors for coagula-tion-flocculation. The aquaculture effluent required ...
In order to improve the concentrate quality and remove the gangue minerals in the flocs, a flowsheet which contains several stages of flocculation and dispersion (Fig. 7.30), was designed and strong dispersants, such as Calgon and Dispex N 10 were added. 7.9.5(E) KAOLIN In order to provide the paper mills and ceramic industry with high …
Adsorption bridging effect decides flocculation and dewatering of Kaolin slurry. • Multiple flocculation effects of dual flocculants reduce the Kaolin's settling rate. • Dual …
A computer-controlled digital camera was used to examine the formation, breakage, and regrowth of flocs formed by kaolin or the mixture of kaolin and humic acid with aluminum sulfate (alum) at ...
Polymer flocculants are water-soluble polymers which can form flocs from individual small particles in a suspension by adsorbing on particles and causing destabilization through bridging or charge neutralization. Polymer flocculants are high molecular weight polymers and have hydrogen-bonding groups and/or ionic groups in the …
DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2011.05.006 Corpus ID: 19534075; Effects of humic acid on physical and hydrodynamic properties of kaolin flocs by particle image velocimetry. @article{Zhong2011EffectsOH, title={Effects of humic acid on physical and hydrodynamic properties of kaolin flocs by particle image velocimetry.}, author={Run-sheng Zhong and …
Floccula-tion-sedimentation batch tests were performed to ascertain the aggregate size distribution, the hindered settling rate, and the structure of flocs expressed through their fractal ...
To gain insight into the process of sedimentation occurring when clay-laden estuaries and deltas enter marine water, we perform laboratory experiments to measure the settling rate of initially unflocculated kaolin clay in fresh and salt water. In fresh water, sedimentation is a slow process with the clay particle concentration gradually …
ZHU Zhe, LI Tao, LU Jia-juan, WANG Dong-sheng, YAO Chong-hua. Characterization of kaolin flocs formed by polyacrylamide as flocculation aids [J]. Int J Miner Process, 2009, 91: 94–99. Article Google Scholar ALAM N, OZDEMIR O, HAMPTON M A, NGUYEN A V. Dewatering of coal plant tailings: Flocculation followed by filtration [J].
The residual turbidity of Kaolin suspension decreased from the initial 480–8.6 NTU, a 98.2% reduction with CE-PEI dosage of 0.15 mg/mL, sedimentation time of 30 …
The maximum transmittance 92.4% of kaolin suspension was achieved at corresponding optimal flocculation conditions. The result indicated that CPAMF was …
The abatement efficiencies were all more than 60% at the range of G = 165−180 s−1 and T = 15−33 s at an initial kaolin solid concentration of 150 mg·L−1, …
The results showed that 80.7% and 91.2% of HA removal efficiency was achieved in HA and kaolin-HA flocculation process by using 12.5 mg/L and 4–6 mg/L of PAMC, respectively. Moreover, partial colloidal HA was absorbed by kaolin particles before flocculation and was removed in flocculation through synergetic effect from kaolin particles.
The flocs were collected and dried, and the floc microscopic morphology was photographed by microphotography and scanning electron microscopy (TESCAN MIRA4). ... When the kaolin concentration increased from 10 to 30 mg/L, ... Quik JTK, van de Meent D (2015) Guidance for the prognostic risk assessment of nanomaterials in …
There is a lack of literature explaining effects of polyethylenimine (PEI) flocculants on the flocculation and consolidation behaviors of kaolin slurries. In this study, effects of dosages and molecular weights (Mw) of branched PEI polymers on the flocculation, rheology and consolidation aspects of 8 wt% Unimin kaolin slurries at pH 8 …
A strong correlation between the polymer type and flocculation, compression sensitivity of flocs and sedimentation …
Li, J.; Xia, W.; Liu, L.; Zhang, M.; Zhao, B.; Liu, J.; Meng, M.; Zhao, Y., and Guo, J., 2020. Influence of kaolin on the formation and sedimentation of oil-colloidal ...
It is commonly admitted that floc properties (such as floc size, structure and strength) of Fe(VI) and FeCl 3 induced flocs have significant effect on the solid-liquid separation (Sang & Xiao 2008, 2009; Sang & Englezos 2012).Large and compact floc would facilitate the sedimentation and solid-liquid separation ().Previously, either jar test or …
The flocs formed during microsand-ballasted flocculation (MBF) have attracted much attention. However, few studies have reported on comprehensive process parameters of MBF and its mechanism is still not well understood. Jar test and pilot-scale continuous experiments were here conducted on two kinds of simulated wastewater, …
Accordingly, to facilitate the sedimentation process, the particles must clump together to form larger flocs, as displayed in Fig. 5. However, this process is problematic because of the electrostatic repulsive forces that prevent negatively charged particles from accumulating on the material [40]. Therefore, it takes longer to settle and this ...
Additional dosage of flocs breakage and re-growth formed by nano-Al13 polymer, Water Res. 44 (2010) 1893–1899. alum at the point after flocs breakage improves re-grown ability [6] Y. Wang, B.Y. Gao, X.M. Xu, W.Y. Xu, G.Y. Xu, Characterization of floc size, of broken flocs because the inactive point is repaired by the new strength and ...
Higher settling rates, with larger and denser flocs, were obtained in flocculation tests. ... Sedimentation of kaolin required the addition of Ca 2+ for coagulation, followed by the flocculation using cellulose ... de Oliveira et al. used CST to quantify the dewaterability performance of flocculants in oil sands tailings. 204 They showed that ...
In this paper, we combine experimental and numerical approaches to assess settling velocities of fractal aggregates. Using a non-intrusive in situ digital image-based method, three- and two-dimensional fractal dimensions were calculated for kaolin-based flocs. By considering shape and fractal dimension, the porosity, density and settling ...
Floc structure plays an important role in the separation of coal wastewater. In this study, a camera-based method is used to evaluate quantitatively the structural characteristics of flocs ...
Cationic xylan- (2-methacryloyloxyethyl trimethyl ammonium chloride) polymer as a flocculant for pulping wastewater. The concentration of COD was high (4470 mg/L). A high turbidity (1257 NTU) and suspended solid (356 mg/L) were also observed (Guibai & Gregory, 1991). The zeta potential of TMPL was −30.7 mV, and the hydrodynamic size of …
In this paper, effects of dosages and molecular weights (Mw) of branched polyethylenimine (PEI) flocculants and shear on the sedimentation of kaolin slurries at pH ~8 are investigated by ...
The flocs properties of various coagulants were also comparatively researched in terms of growth, strength, and regrowth in the coagulation of synthetic kaolin-humic acid water samples. Besides, the primary coagulation mechanism of each coagulant is discussed in detail, in conjunction with its coagulation performance and floc properties.
Accordingly, the floc size and settling velocity decreased with the decrease in settling height, and the density and strength of flocs increased with the decrease in settling height. The reasonable control of the shearing speed of the rake can improve the settling velocity of flocs, which is beneficial to the solid-liquid separation of thickening.
The analytical centrifugation analyzer LUMisizer (LUM , Germany) was used to determine the sedimentation velocities of kaolin and KLD/kaolin foci. Each measurement involved adding 1.1 mL of a clay solution (unless otherwise stated) to the instrument's cell, centrifuging it for 20 min at various speeds (200× g, 400× g, 500× g, …
This article elucidates the effect of type of pigment/extenders viz. titanium dioxide (TiO2), magnesium silicate (steatite), calcium carbonate, dolomite, precipitated sodium magnesium aluminosilicates, hydrated and calcined aluminum silicates (kaolin) when used alone or in combination in the paint dispersions on their sedimentation …
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