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Eye of strength is required. - Frostbite/Ice Quake: First freeze an enemy with Frostbite hold RT, then use Icequake hit LT+RT to make a snowball then hit LT+RT a second time to perform Ice Quake. Focus Mode: - Snow Blower: Pull and hold LT, need three or more enemies and does not always work.
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DJKABoom, Rick came out with the godmode first, then CH release a trainer and charged for it. Dumb move. If CH was a bit more patient and release a trainer FREE, then worked hard to add more featues to it like levitation, no wanted level, etc, and then charged for a 'premium' trainer, no one would care, people would drool over it but wont' complain.
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Mirrors. - new: Bayonet useable as a melee weapon. adds a Mossberg 590 to New Vegas. there are three upgrades available for the shotgun. Shell Side Saddel (+ 5 Damage), Extended Magazine (+ 2 Shells) and Extended Magazine & Bayonet (+ 2 Shells). The Bayonet is usable, but currently not while attached at the shotgun.
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