According to the literature, related studies revealed that potassium had the greatest influence on the thermal conversion properties of biomass [19], [20].Hwang et al. [12] examined the fast pyrolysis of potassium-impregnated poplar, and pointed out that the presence of potassium affected bio-oil properties such as water content and viscosity, …
Torrefaction is a newly emerging technique for biochar production. The oxygen, moisture, and carbon dioxide present in the biomass were removed using inert atmospheric air in absence of oxygen at a temperature between 200°C and 300°C using various decomposition processes (Yaashikaa et al., 2019; Khorram et al., 2016; Wang et al., …
Conag et al. (2017, 2018) studied the transformation of sugarcane leaves and bagasse to biocoal through torrefaction under minimized oxidative atmosphere.Akogun et al. (2022, 2022) also studied the influence of torrefaction on some tropical agricultural wastes such as cassava peel, sawdust, and cornhusk as they were transformed to useful …
Torrefaction and densification are crucial steps in upgrading biomass as feedstock for energy generation and metallurgical applications. This paper attempts to discuss essential basics on biomass torrefaction and densification, which can propel developing nation to take full advantage of them. The most promising clean energy …
Abstract. Torrefaction is an emerging technology also called mild pyrolysis, which has been explored for the pretreatment of biomass to make the biomass more favorable for further utilization. Dry torrefaction (DT) is a pretreatment of biomass in the absence of oxygen under atmospheric pressure and in a temperature range of 200-300 …
et al. 2012). Torrefaction in general, is an effective method for reducing the water, acid, and oxygen contents of bio-oil when derived from fast pyrolysis of torrefied biomass. Removing oxygen raises the heating value and pH of bio-oil. Torrefaction-aided fast pyrolysis is a stepwise biomass pyrolysis through which the major biomass ...
According to Chen et al. (2021), torrefaction reactors are classified based on the movement of the biomass and the heat transfer methods. According to these authors, various reactors that commercial companies are working on include: 1) the fixed …
In-situ torrefaction densification is the process of densifying the torrefied biomass directly (no cooling, no binders) (Nicksy et al., 2014). Nicksy et al. discussed a novel compacted, spherical, torrefied hybrid poplar pellet and found that the in-situ pellets achieved best-in-industry durability for biomass pellets (Nicksy et al., 2014 ...
Fig. 2 represents the modified version of Bergman et al.'s [48] description of the process showing variation of different chemical constituents of biomass during the course of torrefaction. The process starts with drying followed by depolymerization and recondensation, and devolatilization and carbonization to different extents.
Interview avec Paul Arnephy - MOF Torréfacteur 2018. La torréfaction du grain de café repose sur des principes de base qu'il est impératif de comprendre et maîtriser pour obtenir un résultat de qualité. Paul Arnephy, Meilleur Ouvrier de France Torréfacteur et co-fondateur de Lomi, nous décrit les fondations techniques de l'art de ...
Identifying sources of biofuels such as biodiesel and biochar can potentially reduce the environmental impacts of fossil fuels (Balajii and Niju 2019; Gunarathne et al. 2019).Biofuels can also counter the increasing use of fossil resources and prevent pressure on non-renewable sources (Peng et al. 2020; Hassan et al. 2020).However, it is …
Torrefaction proves to be one such method of conversion wherein the raw biomass is subjected to a temperature range of 200–300 °C with the medium being …
A data fusion strategy was used to combine the individual information obtained from FT-MIR and FT-NIR spectra by merging them to enhance the comprehension of the data [23]. ... Prins et al. 2006a ...
It was reported that the CO 2 as a torrefaction medium could promote the thermodegradation of biomass and the thermal cracking of the released volatile compounds during torrefaction [67, 166]. Hernández et al. [167] performed the torrefaction of sewage sludge under N 2 and CO 2 in a TG-FTIR. Their results indicated that the presence of CO
To provide a comprehensive review of the progress in biomass torrefaction technologies, this study aims to perform an in-depth literature survey of torrefaction …
Torrefaction is a thermal treatment process for biomass upgrading that occurs at a temperature range of 390 to 570 degrees Fahrenheit (200 to 300 degrees Celsius) at near atmospheric pressure, in the absence of oxygen, and at a reactor residence time of 10 to 30 minutes or longer (Medic et al., 2012). During torrefaction, water and volatile organic …
Carbon and calorific value of torrefied biomass increases by 15-25%, and moisture content reduces to <3% (w.b.). Torrefaction reduces grinding energy by about 70%, and the ground torrefied biomass ...
Au cours du processus de torréfaction, le café subit des modifications tant externes qu'internes. Le grain de café perd entre 12 et 20 % de son poids, gagne jusqu'à 30 % de sa taille et peut perdre environ 10 % de sa caféine. En outre, pendant le temps qu'il passe dans le torréfacteur, il peut perdre de l'acidité, gagner en ...
Torrefaction pretreatment is an alternative and promising approach for biomass updating to produce high-quality bio-oil. The effects of torrefaction on the pyrolysis of rice husk were investigated using thermogravimetry-Fourier transform IR spectroscopy (TG-FTIR), a pyrolysis-gas chromatog./mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS), and a fast …
A study by Soponpongipipat et al. (Soponpongpipat et al., 2015) reported the improvement in HHV of sugarcane leaves from 17.9 to 21.7 MJ/kg after torrefaction at 280 °C for 60 min. However, the effects of time and temperature on the fuel characteristics were not investigated in detail.
Torrefaction is a relatively new biomass pretreatment technology, which, over the past decades, has been recognized as a very promising and technically feasible …
Residual of oil-bath co-torrefaction were the highest of 97.01%. oil-bath co-torrefaction could maximize hydrogen atoms retention in corncob, which has a positive significance for deoxygenation ...
Ash and fixed carbon contents also increased for most torrefaction conditions. RDF char produced at 300 ºC for 30 minutes yielded the best compromise between proximate analysis parameters, with 9 ...
The co-torrefaction of several biomasses may be a viable solution in the study area, as it produces biofuels and addresses waste-treatment concerns. Furthermore, the parameters of co-torrefaction, including temperature, reaction time, mass yield, energy yield, and the composition of the H/C and O/C ratio of the co-torrefied materials, are …
The present work studies the effects of oxidative torrefaction (OT) (200–290 °C, 0–8 vol% O2) on the combustion process of wood sphere in a single particle combustor (SPC, 1226 °C, 3.0 vol ...
Huang et al. reported the effect of torrefaction on leftover rice in a steam gasification environment at a temperature range of 600–1000 °C in a fixed bed reactor. The most effective temperature for torrefaction is reported as 280 °C. ... The ash fusion temperatures of coal A and hazelnut shells are 1480 °C and 1494 °C, which are above ...
La torréfaction se fera en 2 temps : dans un premier temps les graines fermes puis ensuite les brisures. La torréfaction peut se faire manuellement ou à l'aide d'un torréfacteur. ü Refroidissement : Les graines torréfiées sont étalées à l'ombre sur un endroit propre et bien sec pour les refroidir.
Torrefaction is a relatively new biomass pretreatment technology, which, over the past decades, has been recognized as a very promising and technically feasible method to improve the performance of biomass with regard to storage, handling, transportation and energy conversion processes (Tumuluru et al., 2011; Nhuchhen et al., …
Torrefaction is a thermochemical pretreatment process at 200–300 °C in an inert condition which transforms biomass into a relatively superior handling, milling, co …
Torrefaction is the slow heating of biomass in an inert or reduced environment to a maximum temperature of approximately 300°C. Torrefaction can also …
The properties considered are calorific value, fuel ratio, ignitability index, ash compositions and ash fusion temperatures of the biomass. Six different temperatures (220, 240, 260, 280, 300 and 320 °C) at 60 min reaction time were considered. The results indicated that as torrefaction temperature increased, the calorific value, fuel ratio ...
Tumuluru et al. [62] developed a model for torrefaction on a moving bed reactor, and concluded that the properties of biomass get enhanced due to torrefaction because hemicellulose undergoes devolatilization and carbonization, whereas lignin and cellulose undergo devolatilization and depolymerization, thereby making the torrefied …
The content of acids in bio-oil of CS torrefaction for 50 min declined by 65.07% compared to torrefaction for 20 min. The reason was that acetic acid mainly originated from the acetyl group of hemicellulose, and the hemicellulose content was reduced during torrefaction pretreatment (Li et al., 2015). Ester compounds were also …
Zhang et al. (2019) compared the effect of dry and wet torrefaction at temperature range from 180 • C to 280 • C on the chemical characteristic and thermal degradation behavior of corn stalk ...
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