DOI: 10.1016/S0032-5910(02)00256-5 Corpus ID: 98141452; Effect of the impact angle on the breakage of agglomerates: a numerical study using DEM @article{Moreno2003EffectOT, title={Effect of the impact angle on the breakage of agglomerates: a numerical study using DEM}, author={Roberto R{'i}os Moreno and Mojtaba Ghadiri and S. Joseph Antony}, …
A schematic diagram of the impact test rig is shown in Fig. 1 which consists of a vibratory feeder to feed the particles into the vertical glass tube automatically. The single particle impact tester was developed by Yuregir et al. [10] as a vertical impact system and subsequently used by Ghadiri and co-workers [[11], [12], [13]] to assess breakage …
DOI: 10.1016/J.APT.2008.09.001 Corpus ID: 137689141; Aerodynamic dispersion of cohesive powders: A review of understanding and technology @article{Calvert2009AerodynamicDO, title={Aerodynamic dispersion of cohesive powders: A review of understanding and technology}, author={Graham Calvert and Mojtaba …
Particle characterization and behavior relevant to fluidized bed combustion and gasification systems. Abstract: This chapter describes the characteristics of …
N. Hulugalle, T. Weaver, H. Ghadiri, A. Hicks. Environmental Science. 2006; Historically many towns in inland Australia disposed of their treated sewage by pumping into local rivers. This is no longer a feasible proposition. ... Post-irrigation impact of domestic sewage effluent on composition of soils, crops and ground water--a case study.
Volume 61, Issue 8, April 2006, Pages 2476-2481. Mechanistic analysis and computer simulation of impact breakage of agglomerates: Effect of surface energy ... (Moreno and Ghadiri, 2004, Moreno et al., 2003, Subero, 2001). ... Based on the impact conditions, i.e., the impact velocity, the impact angle, the number of included primary …
2.1.1. Mechanical impact tests . Breakage experiments were performed on fresh CBZ·2H 2 O samples (see experimental for growth conditions) to evaluate the intrinsic mechanical properties of the dihydrate (Fig. S1–S3 †).In these studies, the particles were accelerated towards a target to facilitate breakage. 46–48 Higher impact velocities …
Concasseur. constitue la premiere etape de la comminution. Son objectif n'est pas la liberation des mineraux, mais simplement la reduction de dimension afin de faciliter la manipulation ulterieure du minerai. II est normalement fait a sec en deux ou trois etapes. L'alimentation provient de la mine et a une dimension pouvant aller jusqu'a ...
Particle breakage due to fluid drag has a different mechanisms as compared to that due to impact, and hence the functional group describing the breakage are slightly different. The dispersion behaviour is dependent on aggregate size. ... (Moreno-Atanasio and Ghadiri, 2006). With respect to deformation and breakage of loose aggregate …
Results over the period 2001–2006 showed an increase in soil organic carbon and nitrogen in the areas with favourable soil condition compared with continuous grazing. ... {Gholamreza Sanjari and Hossein Ghadiri and Cyril Ciesiolka and Bofu Yu}, journal={Soil Research}, year={2008}, volume={46}, pages={348-358}, url={https://api ...
impact concassage ghadiri 2006. Numerical Simulations : Ghadiri Research Group. Impact breakage. The average impact velocity was measured to be 3.8, 4.0, 5.2 and 7.3 m/s for tablets . Professor Mojtaba Ghadiri University of …
Based on the model from Ghadiri and Zhang [150], the average percentage of mass loss due to surface breakage ξ was modeled as a function of particle size, impact energy and impact angle (see ...
Moreno et al. (2003) and Moreno and Ghadiri (2006) studied the effect of impact angle on the breakage of agglomerates and found the normal component of …
A reduction of the impact of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy symptoms on the lives of patients with breast cancer as well as on the pain intensity after yoga intervention has been reported ... Maryam Khaleghi Ghadiri, Department of Neurosurgery, Münster University, Münster 48149, Germany. ... 2006; 132:180–211. …
DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.03.008 Corpus ID: 216363382 "Let's have a break": An experimental comparison of work-break interventions and their impact on performance @article{Singh2020LetsHA, title={"Let's have a break": An experimental comparison of work-break interventions and their impact on performance}, author={Usha …
Impact Attrition Chipping Ionic Crystals 1. Introduction A mechanistic model of impact attrition due to chipping of particulate solids, having a semi- brittle failure mode, …
nano-indentation tester (Micro Materials Ltd.) (Ghadiri, 2006) for estimating contact area at impact. Table 1 shows Young's modulus of elasticity E and yield stress Y of the samples, which is obtained as one third of the indentation hardness measured by the indentation tests (Ghadiri, 2006). 2.5 Contact potential difference of the sample powders
This is a repository copy of Mechanistic analysis and computer simulation of impact breakage of agglomerates: Effect of surface energy . White Rose Research Online URL …
Controls on the rates and products of particle attrition by bed-load collisions. Abstract. River rocks round through the process of impact attrition, where energetic …
In combination with Δ, a dimensionless number relating incident kinetic energy to agglomerate strength (Moreno-Atanasio and Ghadiri M, Chem Eng Sci. 2006;61(8):2476–2481), a good description of the agglomerate impact is obtained. The agglomerate structure after impact is mapped using the two dimensionless numbers and …
Volume 61, Issue 8, April 2006, Pages 2476-2481. Mechanistic analysis and computer simulation of impact breakage of agglomerates: Effect of surface energy. Author links open overlay panel R. Moreno-Atanasio, M. Ghadiri. ... Moreno and Ghadiri, 2004. Moreno, R., Ghadiri, M., 2004. Computer simulation analysis of the effect of bond …
Impact breakage. The average impact velocity was measured to be 3.8, 4.0, 5.2 and 7.3 m/s for tablets dropped from heights of 0.85, 1.4, 4 and 5 m, respectively. The cumulative mass losses for tablets of each solid fraction dropped from a height of 0.85, 1.4, 4 and 5 m are shown in Fig. 2 a–d, respectively.
The damage ratio has been correlated with the Weber number W e = ρ DU 2 Γ, where ρ, D, U, and Γ are the particle density, particle diameter, impact velocity, and work of adhesion, respectively (Kafui and Thornton, 2000, Moreno-Atanasio and Ghadiri, 2006, Subero et al., 1999). Later, Thornton et al. modified the Weber number by introducing a ...
Particle breakage due to fluid drag has a different mechanisms as compared to that due to impact, and hence the functional group describing the breakage are slightly different. The dispersion behaviour is dependent on aggregate size. ... 1993, Moreno-Atanasio and Ghadiri, 2006). Hence, it is of interest to see whether the DI, which …
A theoretical model for chipping of semi-brittle particulate solids was proposed by Ghadiri and Zhang [24] and an approach to predict milling behaviour was developed …
In the nine iron ore impacting case, when the impact velocity increases from 50m/s to 150m/s, the fracture degree increases from 6.0% to 31.0%, the damage degree increases from 12.3% to 45.4%. When the impact velocity is 100m/s, the median particle size D50 at bottom, middle ant top part is 1mm, 3.6mm and 14.7mm, respectively.
Particle characterization and behavior relevant to fluidized bed combustion and gasification systems. Abstract: This chapter describes the characteristics of particles and their dynamic response and behavior in the fluidization environment. Also given are fundamental properties of particles including….
Fig. 1 a shows the snapshots of the normal impact between the agglomerate and the wall at a velocity of 10 m/s. The agglomerate experiences a large plastic deformation on impact before disintegrating into many small pieces. Fig. 1 b is the experimental observation from Ning et al. [14] captured with high speed photography. Their …
15 (Ghadiri, 2006). Breakage of materials failing in the brittle mode is commonly analysed using 16 Weibull probability distribution (Weibull, 1951), where the breakage probability is related to ... The mechanistic model of particle impact breakage of Ghadiri and . 5 1 Zhang (2002) is used in this work to analyse the breakage.
1. Introduction. A mechanistic model of impact attrition due to chipping of particulate solids, having a semi- brittle failure mode, has been developed in Part 1 (Ghadiri & Zhang, 2002), based on the indentation fracture mechanics and impact damage analysis.This model provides a base to estimate the rate of attrition in process equipment …
DOI: 10.1016/J.CHERD.2010.08.013 Corpus ID: 16183589; Mechanistic analysis and computer simulation of the aerodynamic dispersion of loose aggregates @article{Calvert2011MechanisticAA, title={Mechanistic analysis and computer simulation of the aerodynamic dispersion of loose aggregates}, author={raham Calvert and Ali …
DOI: 10.1016/J.CES.2005.11.019 Corpus ID: 55511016; Mechanistic analysis and computer simulation of impact breakage of agglomerates: Effect of surface energy
Mechanistic analysis and computer simulation of impact breakage of agglomerates: Effect of surface energy. R. Moreno-Atanasio, M. Ghadiri. Published 1 …
In agricultural systems, soil quality is thought of in terms of productive land that can maintain or increase farm profitability, as well as conserving soil resources so that future farming generations can make a living. Management practices which can modify soil quality include tillage systems and crop rotations. A major proportion of Australian cotton …
The number of bonds and particles in the agglomerate can be related to the coordination number Z (Moreno-Atanasio and Ghadiri, 2006): (2) Z = N b 2 N p The coordination number can also be related to the agglomerate solid fraction by the empirical equation ( Nakagani and Sunada, 1968 ): (3) Z = α ( 1 − ϕ ) n with α = 1.61 and n = 1.48.
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