Her serum uric acid level, measured at an earlier office visit, was slightly above normal at 450 μmol/L (normal range: 90-360 μmol/L). Acute monoarthritis is a potential medical emergency that must be investigated and treated promptly. Common diagnoses include crystal-induced arthritis and mechanical complications of …
This large faceted yellow gem is unusually clean for an apatite. Apatite rough-and-cut set, 5.2 ⨉ 4.4 ⨉ 4.3 cm (crystal), 1.8 ⨉ 1.8 ⨉ 1.4 cm, 25.5 cts (gem), Cerro Mercado, Durango, ... Table of Contents Apatite Properties).. Related Articles More Articles. What is Gemstone Luminescence? Gemstone luminescence is a glow that occurs when ...
Apatite is a mineral that is composed of calcium phosphate, with the chemical formula Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl). It is a member of the apatite group of minerals, which also includes hydroxylapatite and …
The result of apatite fission track dating yields cooling ages of the granite as 12.2 ± 2.4 Ma, 19.1 ± 2.0 Ma, and 19.1 ± 2.5 Ma (locality 1 in Figures 5 and 6 and Table 1). Basing on the fact ...
The pore dimension of PTTM is in the range of 300–600 μm with a porosity of 75–85%. For materials used in dental applications, like Ti and Ti alloys (with an elastic modulus of 106–115 GPa), PTTM is much more suitable due to its relevant properties. Porous Ta is also resistant to corrosion and is biocompatible.
Table 2. Prior classications of apatite or apatite-like (i.e. polysomatic apatites) compounds 16,22–25. ese descriptors represent the crystallographic characteristics of the apatite which have ...
Apatite has space group P 6 3 / m for the general chemical formula above. In Ap, the two different Ca sites are generally occupied by Ca, Mn, Sr, Na, or REE 3+ cations; the P site is occupied by P, Si, or S, …
In vitro corrosion resistance and cytocompatibility of minerals substituted apatite/ biopolymers duplex coatings on anodized Ti for orthopedic implant applications May 2020 Arabian Journal of ...
Apatite Group of Apatite Polysomatic Apatites Fluorapatite Hydroxylapatite Chlorapatite Vanadinite Author Information Show + The minerals 1 Minerals are individual components comprising rocks formed …
Low-temperature thermochronological methods, including zircon and apatite fission track (ZFT and AFT) and (U Th)/He (ZHe and AHe) dating, can measure the timing and rates at which rocks and cool as they are exhumed through the crust (e.g., Gallagher et al., 1998; Reiners and Brandon, 2006).A substantial amount of thermochronological data …
apatite, any member of a series of phosphate minerals, the world's major source of phosphorus, found as variously coloured glassy crystals, masses, or nodules. If not for its softness (Mohs hardness 5, compared with the 7 to 9 of most gems), apatite would be a popular gemstone; much of the material found is clear, but it is fragile and difficult to cut …
The present work provides new in-situ apatite fission track (AFT), zircon (U-Th)/He (ZHe) and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar multi-thermochronometric ages across the Dibang valley in the Mishmi hills. The study constrains the structure, emplacement time of major thrusts and initiation of Lesser Himalayan Duplex (LHD).
The structure of apatites allows large variations of composition given by the generic formula (M10 (XO4)6Z2) including partial or complete substitution of both the …
The interaction of apatite with biological tissues is an important aspect for regeneration. The concepts in the mineralization and tissue interaction are changing because of the change in production technology, size, nature of material, and so on. The beginning of bone regeneration has started with scaffold.
In view of the importance of the magmatic oxidation state and volatile composition (H2O-S-Cl) in porphyry Cu mineralization, identification of magmatic information has become the basis for the evaluation of the Cu-mineralization potential of porphyries. Apatite, as a common accessory mineral in porphyry, is recognized as an effective petrogenetic and …
A promising duplex coating was prepared by microarc oxidation (MAO) and enameling processes onto polished Ti6Al4V alloy. The TiO 2 ceramic coating deposited by MAO was characterized and then combined with an enameling treatment in order to improve the tribological and corrosion resistance of Ti6Al4V alloy. The morphology, phase …
Abstract Apatite fission track and zircon (U-Th) ... duplex development, and relief growth on the evolution of the thermal structure of the Himalaya during the ... sample locations from this study (also reported in Table 1 with "ISIK" prefix); pale blue squares indicate AFT sample locations from Kellett et al. [2013]. Lines A-A′ and B-B ...
Collection of virus-like particles from marine and estuarine environments. Approximately 200 liters of surface seawater was collected from the Dry Tortugas National Park, and five independent ∼50-liter samples of estuarine water were collected from a hypoxic region of the Chesapeake Bay (Table (Table1). 1).Microbial communities were …
Physical Properties. Apatite is best known for its use as an index mineral with a hardness of 5 in the Mohs Hardness Scale. It is usually green in color, but can be yellow, brown, blue, purple, pink, or colorless. These colors are often so vivid that apatite has frequently been cut as a gemstone. Apatite is a brittle material.
After soaking in an SBF solution for 21 days, a dense apatite layer covered the inner and outer surfaces of the pretreated porous Ti–7.5Mo substrates, thereby providing favorable bioactive conditions for bone bonding and growth. ... 61 and 75 % were fabricated by adding 0, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 vol.% NH 4 HCO 3 into the powder mixture (Table ...
In this study, apatite fission track (AFT) analyses from opposite sides of the Jianglisai fault are used to constrain the timing of fault activity. Samples collected on the hanging wall have AFT ages between 10 ± 1 and 15 ± 2 Ma and a mean track length ranging from 13.1 ± 0.2 to 13.5 ± 0.2 μm. Samples collected on the footwall have AFT ages …
Hydroxyapatite (HAP) belongs to the family of Ca apatite. Its natural composition and structure are similar to the inorganic phase of natural bone and teeth and has a wide range of applications in ...
Introduction. Recent investigations [1, 2] and earlier works [3, 4] have shown that the mineral of cardiovascular pathological deposits consists of poorly crystalline carbonate-substituted apatite.However, the chemical diversity of biological apatites [5, 6] allows great variability in their reactivity and biological properties providing a unique …
These shear zones are associated with a kilometer-scale duplex that formed during D 2 deformation, ... Individual geochronology results of altered and unaltered apatite, Table S1: LA-ICP-MS parameters used in this study, Table S2: Apatite LA-ICP-MS U–Pb isotopic composition of altered and unaltered BC10 and BC22 samples.
Tables S1–S7 and Data Sets S1–S2 in the Supporting Information S1 were separately uploaded to the Open Science Framework and can be found online at https://osf.io/c7jfm/. Supporting Information Filename
The structure of apatites allows large variations of composition given by the generic formula (M10(XO4)6Z2) including partial or complete substitution of both the cationic as well as the anionic sites, formation of nonstoichiometric forms and solid solutions. More than half of naturally occurring elements can be accommodated by apatite structure in a …
Apatite [Ca 5 (PO 4) 3 (F, OH, Cl)] is a ubiquitous accessory mineral in magmatic rocks (Belousova et al. 2002; Bruand et al. 2014).It is an important host for rare-earth elements (REEs) and contains relatively high concentration of Sr, Y, Th, and U (Sha and Chappell 1999; Prowatke and Klemme 2006; Xiao et al. 2021).The trace element …
Out-of-sequence motion along foreland ramps near the south coast in both the eastern and western cross sections move horses of the Cribas-Aitutu duplex over other horses farther to the foreland, matching patterns of late folding of the duplex while allowing for a mechanism of cooling through apatite (U-Th)/He closure at ca. 2 Ma.
Thirty-three samples from natural apatite (Ap) solid solutions, ideal structural formula [9]Ca12[7]Ca23([4]PO4)3[3](F,OH,Cl), (Z = 2) were examined with electron-probe microanalysis, synchrotron high-resolution …
Blue Apatite's transcendental metaphysical properties penetrate your auric field deeper than you think. Like other healing crystals, this beauty can also trigger many chakras. The greatest impact is felt on your third-eye chakra. Also known as "Ajna," this energy point is the sixth of your seven primary chakras.
Table 3 presents a comparison of the mechanical properties of magnesium alloys, ... SBF can promote bone-like apatite formation on a variety of substrates [49,50,51]. Among other in-vitro electrolytes, Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS) is one of the most prominent ones. ... Thus, they developed a duplex coating composed of a MAO (an ...
Apatite is a common resistate mineral occurring in a range of host rocks and ore-related hydrothermal alteration assemblages. Apatite in several porphyry copper deposits in British Columbia has a unique set of physical and compositional characteristics that can be used to evaluate the chemical conditions of magmas that formed the …
Apatite is the most common phosphate mineral, and is the main source of the phosphorus required by plants. The bones and teeth of most animals, including humans, are …
The lengths of the horizontal confined fission tracks were measured exclusively in prismatic apatite crystals because of the anisotropic annealing of fission tracks in apatite (Green et al., 1986, Green et al., 1989). 3. Recognizing the duplex thrust structure in the South Dabashan
An ingot of the Ti–24Nb–4Zr–8Sn alloy with diameter of 280 mm was fabricated by vacuum arc melting using a Ti–Sn master alloy and pure Ti, Nb and Zr as raw materials.The ingot was hot forged at 1123 K to round bar 55 mm in diameter.The chemical composition of the ingot obtained by wet chemical and gas analysis is presented in …
Abstract Mineral apatite compounds have attracted significant interest due to their chemical stability and adjustable hexagonal structure, which makes them suitable …
Calcium phosphate apatites are inorganic compounds encountered in many different mineralized tissues. Bone mineral, for example, is constituted of nanocrystalline nonstoichiometric apatite, and the production of “analogs” through a variety of methods is frequently reported. In another context, the ability of solid surfaces to favor …
- Refractive index: Apatite has a relatively high refractive index, ranging from 1.63 to 1.69. This means that light passing through apatite is bent or refracted at a greater angle than it would be i...
- Birefringence: Apatite is strongly birefringent, meaning that it has two different refractive indices depending on the direction of light passing through it. This causes double refraction, …
- Refractive index: Apatite has a relatively high refractive index, ranging from 1.63 to 1.69. This means that light passing through apatite is bent or refracted at a greater angle than it would be i...
- Birefringence: Apatite is strongly birefringent, meaning that it has two different refractive indices depending on the direction of light passing through it. This causes double refraction, where an...
- Pleochroism: Apatite exhibits pleochroism, which means that it can show different colors when viewed from different angles. This is due to the absorption of different wavelengths of light in differ...
- Fluorescence: Some types of apatite exhibit fluorescence, meaning that they emit visible ligh…
apatite, any member of a series of phosphate minerals, the world's major source of phosphorus, found as variously coloured glassy crystals, masses, or nodules. If not for its softness (Mohs hardness 5, compared with the 7 …
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