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Tinh Toan May Dap Bua Congo Kinshasa. Tinh Toan May Dap Bua Congo Kinshasa. Leopoldville l224 t234n th 244 thuc a Congo ca B trc khi c i th224nh Kinshasa sau khi …
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The Built Up Area (BUA) is the total area being developed or constructed. It is the Gross Floor Area plus Parking plus any Service Area of associated with the subject building or project ...
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Online product catalog for DAP. This website uses cookies and other tracking technologies (also known as pixels or beacons) to aid your experience (such as viewing videos), as well as "performance cookies" to analyze your use of this website and to …
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Un catalogue peut être comparé à l'index d'un livre. Lorsqu'on peut trouver les informations requises en regardant dans l'index sans avoir à lire chaque page du livre, le catalogue fournit des informations rapides sur l'emplacement du livre ou du CD de musique requis dans la bibliothèque. WorldCat, le plus grand catalogue syndical au ...
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